How Industry Experts are Advancing Professional Development in Rail Safety across Australia

Every journey begins with a single step (Loa Tzu)

This is the Story Behind the Pioneering Cert IV Rail Training

The story of the newly-coded Alium Works ‘Certificate IV in Rail Safety Management ’ is a 3 year journey—but far more than that, it’s a tale of industry dedication, collaboration, and a commitment to making rail travel safer for all, but dramatically improving professional development in rail safety.

2021: The Origin of the Course & the TAC

The seeds of this remarka

Cert IV rail training

ble course were sown in 2021 and 2022 when Australian Industry Standards (AIS) embarked on a transformative mission.

Supported by 14 subject matter experts hailing from industry giants, Registered Training Organisations (RTOs), vigilant regulators, and dedicated unions, a Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) was formed.

Their mission? To evaluate and consolidate the Certificate IV in Rail Safety Management and the Certificate IV in Rail Investigation. This wasn’t a task taken lightly. The TAC knew that the future of rail safety education depended on their collective wisdom and expertise.

Hours of discussions, meticulous reviews, and industry consultations followed, all with one aim – to bolster the training, professional development, and education offered to those safeguarding our railways.

The outcome of this thorough industry consultation was clear: the new Certificate IV in Rail Safety Management deserved to stand on its own merits.

While some refinements were made to individual competency units, the core structure of the Rail Safety Management course remained unaltered. It was about recognizing what worked and preserving the essence of a successful rail safety management education program .

Yet, change is the only constant. To ensure that this course aligned even more closely with the ever-evolving industry needs, specific competency units were updated. This was not merely an exercise in revision; it was a testament to the course’s adaptability and its commitment to staying relevant.

2022: Green Light to Go Ahead

Fast forward to October 2022, and the course had successfully navigated its journey through the rigorous TAC review.

It received the green light from the Skills Minister, signifying its readiness to step onto a bigger stage. This was the course’s moment to shine, a moment that beckoned a new chapter in rail safety education.

2023: Pilot Program Launches Successfully

As this course takes its first steps into the spotlight, having launched officially in 2023, it’s perfectly aligned with the National Rail Safety Action Plan .

It’s poised to further develop the skills of existing employees and offer an enticing starting point for newcomers venturing into the rail industry.

This isn’t just a course; it’s a commitment to a safer rail industry. It’s a testament to the power of collaboration, expertise, and industry dedication to improve professional development in rail safety across Australia.

And it all began with that crucial first step – the formation of the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) in 2021. Join us on this mission, together, we’ll contribute to a safer, more informed, and resilient rail industry—one conversation and one rail safety trainee at a time.

Alium Works are trusted providers of professional development in rail safety.  Join us for expert-led railway safety management education—and start your journey to excellence in rail safety management today! Learn more about the Certificate IV in Rail Safety Management course and, when you’re ready, enrol.

From Vision to Reality: The Evolution of the ‘Certificate IV in Rail Safety Management’

In mid-2023, Alium Works achieved a significant milestone—approval by the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) to deliver the

certificate iv in rail safety management, Rail safety management education

Certificate IV in Rail Safety Management course.

This wasn’t just an approval; it was a recognition of our commitment to excellence in rail safety education. We understood that with approval came great responsibility, and we took this responsibility seriously.

Fast forward to the present, and we find ourselves at a pivotal moment in the journey of this course.

Our inaugural pilot program is nearly complete, and the insights gained along the way have been nothing short of remarkable.

In collaboration with industry professionals, students, and subject matter experts, we have further refined the course to align perfectly with industry needs.

The journey has been a testament to our dedication to providing top-tier rail safety management education.

Proud Pioneers of Rail Safety Management Education

As we near the completion of our first pilot program, the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. It’s been heartening to see the course make a real impact in the lives of those training to safeguard our railways.

Collaborating with industry leaders has been instrumental in this journey. Their insights, experience, and expertise have enabled us to refine and enhance the course for even greater impact.

We firmly believe that industry expertise is invaluable for shaping relevant and effective training, and we’ve kept this principle front and centre throughout the course’s development.

After all, this course isn’t just about education; it’s about a safer, more efficient rail industry. It’s about nurturing the skills and knowledge needed to ensure the safety of the rail industry for everyone.

It’s about taking the industry’s needs, challenges, and aspirations and moulding them into a course that truly makes a difference.

Evolving, Industry-Advancing Training

As we look ahead through 2024 and beyond, we’re excited about the future of the Certificate IV in Rail Safety Management course).

It’s a course born out of vision, refined through collaboration, and driven by a commitment to excellence. And it’s a course that will continue to evolve, adapt, and empower the rail safety professionals of tomorrow.

Stay tuned as we share more about the journey, the insights gained, and the impact we’re making together. Together, we’re charting a path toward a safer, more informed, and resilient rail industry, one milestone at a time.

Take the Groundbreaking ‘Certificate IV RSM’ course—or get your Employees on the program

Alium Works are trusted providers of professional development in rail safety.  Join us for expert-led railway safety management education—and start your journey to excellence in rail safety management today! Learn more about the Certificate IV in Rail Safety Management course and, when you’re ready, enrol.

The Cert 4 Rail Safety Management course: Pioneering a New Era of Safety and Leadership in the Australian Rail Industry

Rail Safety Management CourseImagine a future where the rail industry is not only efficient but also sets the gold standard for safety. This isn’t a utopian dream but a tangible goal—and the key to unlocking it lies in a groundbreaking new course: the Cert 4 Rail Safety Management course (TLI42422). and an emerging niche, the rail safety officer.

While you might not be familiar with this rail safety qualification yet, or the term, they are both poised to revolutionise the rail sector from the ground up.

So, what exactly are rail safety officers, what are their unique skill sets, and how are organisations like the Australian Rail Apprentice Network and Alium Works leading the way in training them?

Let’s explore.

A Fresh Perspective on the Age-Old Challenge of Rail Safety Management

Rail Safety OfficerTraditionally, positions like protection officers and safety resources have been the go-to roles for entry-level rail safety management in the rail industry. However, these roles often lacked a specific focus on the multifaceted world of rail safety management as a whole.

The rail safety officer is the answer to this long-standing gap, offering targeted training that encompasses rail safety legislation and systems from the outset.

Bridging the Gap: Becoming a Rail Safety Officer is More Than Just a Role

Becoming a rail safety officer is not about filling a seat. It’s about building a stronger, more resilient rail industry.   Over a 6-month training period, rail safety trainees acquire a comprehensive understanding of both theory and practice, equipping them to excel in their rail safety management careers.

The Pioneers: Australian Rail Apprentice Network and Alium Works

Leading the charge in this pioneering effort to improve rail safety management, and train up potential rail safety officers, are the Australian Rail Apprentice Network and Alium Works (RTO45669).

In partnership, they deliver the Cert 4 Rail Safety Management course (TLI42422), aligning educational outcomes with real-world requirements. This collaborative initiative is setting a new benchmark for rail safety management education in Australia.

How Organisations can Empower Future Leaders in Rail Safety

The success of the rail safety officer concept hinges on the investment from organisations.

Companies not only provide essential training but also create a landscape rich in career growth opportunities. Through focused mentorship and skill development, organisations have the chance to mould these trainees into the next generation of industry leaders and empowered rail safety officers.

Foundational Career with Multiple Avenues

Upon completing their traineeship, rail safety officers are primed for a diverse range of existing roles—from rail safety managers to operations. Their unique skill set makes them invaluable assets, capable of adapting to various specialisations within the organisation.

Sustainable Career Opportunities for Rail Safety Experts

With the rail industry’s growing focus on safety, now is the time for organisations to invest in long-term, sustainable career paths.

A well-crafted career development plan not only ensures the retention of skilled professionals but also addresses the current skills crises.

The rail safety officer is not a fleeting trend; it’s a strategic evolution aimed at fortifying the rail industry. Now it’s your turn to be part of this exciting transformation.

If you’re passionate about creating a safer, more efficient rail industry and want to be at the forefront of change, reach out to us to learn how you can get involved.

Together, we can build a safer, stronger rail industry.

Alium Works are Australia’s trusted providers of professional development in rail safety.  Join us for expert-led railway safety management education, and start your journey to excellence in rail safety management today! Learn more about the Cert 4 Rail Safety Training and, when you’re ready, enrol. 

Completion Rates of Certificate IV Courses in Australia – the Alium Works Difference

It’s well known that tertiary education is an excellent way to further your career in a specific field, or gain valuable skills and knowledge to assist in entering a new career, we call this upskilling.

Below we’ll discuss some of the institutional issues affecting course completion rates in Australia, and how Alium Works strives to overcome these to deliver positive outcomes through course satisfaction, resulting in engagement, ultimately leading to successful completion for our students.

Ongoing support

Whilst there are hundreds of different courses that can be completed through State-run TAFE (Technical and Further Education) programs or through private organisations. It should then be noted that certain factors can affect the completion rates of courses in Australia, in particular Certificate IV courses, which can be by fault of the institution or issues for the individual such as personal stresses etc

Many students cite a lack of support as being the reason for their non completion of their courses, we get it, adult learning is hard and we appreciate the challenges faced when juggling family, work and recreational activities. However in saying that we also appreciate the true value of completing a Certificate IV or Diploma and upskilling in your career, we understand the doors it can open and the satisfaction that can bring.

Our team at Alium Works aim to challenge the industry norm by providing flexible learning options supported by the student’s workplace and access to support from subject matter experts.

Economic Factors

Unlike University education, many tertiary courses through TAFE and private organisations require up-front fees or ongoing payments for their courses. For some individuals, these fees may be out of their financial range, limiting course access to only those that can afford it.

Some states, such as Victoria and Western Australia, offer free courses under governmental initiatives, but many are yet to follow suit.

Alium Works provides a more cost-effective alternative to the government TAFE courses – those which do not have initiatives – to ensure that our Certificate IV course is accessible to more people through a number of options including our flexible payment option Zeefi.

Teaching and Course Satisfaction

The impact of teachers and the way each delivers a course can greatly affect overall satisfaction and completion.

According to the NSW Government’s 2016 report on VET Completion and Participation1, the quality of teaching and the delivery of course material correlated with the overall level of course satisfaction.

Think back to your school days – was there a subject you didn’t like because of the teacher? That is what we still see, even in tertiary education, this is where we aim to be different.

The courses Alium Works provides are conducted by experienced industry professionals who offer above standard support and strive to achieve positive outcomes with and for all students, ensuring that course satisfaction, and subsequent completion remain at high levels.

Alium Works are always looking to further the careers of those in the rail and construction industries, and provide opportunities for those seeking a new career. Through affordable course pricing and experienced professionals delivering courses, Alium Works consistently sees high levels of course completion in every cohort which is further supported by our student support iniatives.

As a result of this, our students get the best chance at a fulfilling & fast tracking a new career, and employers get graduates who are highly qualified and motivated to excel in their careers.


Thank you for reading to the end of this blog, you may benefit from downloading the adult tips and tricks study guide prepared by the team at Alium works below 🙂

The Important Reasons to Provide Mental Health First Aid Training to Your Workplace

5 Reasons why Mental Health First Aid Training is Good for Business   

As many of you know, workplaces often provide mandatory training for Work Health and Safety to ensure staff are appropriately equipped to perform their duties without injuring themselves or others.  

Some also offer First Aid training, so staff are prepared for an accident and know how to provide care and treatment until help arrives.  

It should then go without saying that Mental Health First Aid training should be just as important, as anyone in the workplace can suffer from mental health issues without anyone knowing.   

Mental health training is good for business for a number of reasons. 

  1. Create safer work environments
    First and foremost, it helps to create a healthy and supportive work environment for employees.

    When employees feel supported and valued, they are more likely to be productive, engaged, and motivated, which can lead to increased profits for the company.


  2. Reduce absenteeism and promote retention
    In addition, mental health training can help to reduce absenteeism and presenteeism, which are both major issues in the workplace. 

    Absenteeism refers to employees missing work due to illness or other personal reasons, while presenteeism refers to employees coming to work when they are not feeling well or are otherwise unable to perform at their best. 

    By providing mental health training, companies can help employees better manage their mental health and reduce the negative impact that mental health issues can have on their work.


  3. Reduce the Stigma
    Good mental health training can help to reduce the stigma surrounding mental illness and create a more inclusive and diverse workplace. 

    When employees feel comfortable talking about their mental health and seeking support when they need it, they are more likely to feel valued and included in the company. This can lead to increased retention and reduced turnover, which can save the company money and resources in the long run.


  4. Empathy
    1 in 5 people will be affected by poor mental health during their lifetime.

    Whether from stress, anxiety, depression, or other issues, it can drastically change the individual’s behaviour and ability to work.

    y understanding each mental illness and corresponding effects, a greater understanding can be achieved and those that are suffering can have their needs appropriately met.

  5. Support someone in a crises  
    A mental health crisis, such as a panic or anxiety attack, could be triggered for someone while in the workplace. 

    With appropriate training for staff, they will understand what action needs to be taken immediately, and what ongoing support or services need to be provided to the individual. 

Mental Health Training for a Better Workplace

Overall, mental health training is a valuable investment for any business. By prioritizing the mental well-being of their employees, companies can create a more productive, supportive, and inclusive workplace, which can ultimately lead to increased profits and success. 

If you want to improve the mental health and well-being of your employees, consider implementing mental health training in your business.  

There are many resources available that can help you get started, including online courses, in-person workshops, and consulting services.  

Investing in mental health training not only benefits your employees, but it can also have a positive impact on your business as a whole. Don’t wait any longer – take action today to create a healthier and more supportive work environment for your employees  

Get in touch to find out how Alium Works can work with you to create a safer and happier workplace.   

The Incredible Connection Between the Art of Storytelling and How We Learn

The Incredible Connection Between the Art of Storytelling and How We Learn

More than just reciting from a PowerPoint, storytelling creates bonds between teacher and student, and also provides many benefits to the learning experience. Studies have shown that two different parts of the brain light up during any kind of teaching, Broca’s area and Wernicke’s area – used for determining meaning and decoding language. These two parts of the brain do not experience excitement or engagement, often leaving the listener feeling bored. During storytelling, however, all areas of the brain light up that are used to experience the story, so the listener feels much more attentive and interested. So, what is the importance of storytelling for both students and teachers, and how it is a useful tool for learning? Read on to find out!

How does storytelling benefit teachers?

Teachers, especially those who have worked in their industry for many years, often have a wealth of knowledge to share with their students. By utilising storytelling as a teaching method, students feel more connected to their teacher and engaged in the information being shared. It also allows the teacher to speak with passion, rather than reciting off a PowerPoint slide or book. They can share their experiences to leave a mark on the industry and the new generations entering the field.

What benefits can students see from storytelling?

For students, storytelling is a much more engaging method of teaching. Rather than having to remember information from a textbook, storytelling boosts comprehension and listening skills, whilst also garnering interest and engagement. Many people are also far more likely to remember a story as opposed to information on a page, thus storytelling promotes improved memory and helps students to learn faster.

Introducing Alium Works’ Legacy Program – teaching through storytelling

With the art of storytelling in mind, Alium Works has developed our Legacy Program. This program allows for experienced members of the rail industry to share their stories with newcomers for generations to come. Storytelling has proven to be a highly effective method of teaching, and allows teachers, trainers and mentors to venture into their creative side and weave their personal experiences in the industry into their work.

It’s true that a story-based approach to teaching is far more engaging for both student and teacher. Alium Works’ Legacy Program will help to increase the knowledge base within the rail industry, whilst also sharing first-hand experiences with students and newcomers to the industry.

If you would like to share your stories, reach out to the team at Alium Works and enquire about becoming a trainer or mentor in our Legacy Program today!

Mental Health First Aid Training Course

On the outside, a person may appear fit and healthy – but you have no idea what is happening in their mind. Mental health is crucial for well-being and can affect anyone at any time. Poor mental health can be debilitating and affect both your work and personal life. 

We understand that the construction and rail industries are in dire need of some help and attention in the mental health and wellness space. In male-dominated fields such as these, the general mindset tends to be “I’ll be ‘right”, and an individuals’ thoughts and feelings are not discussed or acknowledged to be of potential issue.

You may also be wondering, what is Mental Health First Aid training?

Coming soon, Alium Works is delivering a new course along the same vein as physical First Aid training. Rather than learning how to apply a bandage, our mental health first aid training will equip individuals to know how to have the conversation with someone experiencing mental health issues or crises within the workplace, until the appropriate professional help can be provided. The training also focuses on providing the confidence to recognise the signs of and provide initial support to someone experiencing a mental health problem or crisis.

Alium Works strives to value mental health as you would physical health. There can be many factors that affect an individuals’ mental health, and Mental Health First Aid training is a step in the right direction to educate workplaces on how to appropriately manage and support mental health and crises.

Let’s remove the stigma around mental health by having the conversations – especially in these male-dominated industries where it can be hard to discuss.

Want to know more?

Send us a message via our contact us page.


The Crucial Reason White-Collar Traineeships Are Highly Valuable to the Australian Rail Industry

The Crucial Reason White-Collar Traineeships Are Highly Valuable to the Australian Rail Industry


White-collar traineeships are an important and highly valuable resource within the Australian rail industry…so why are they so often overlooked? In order for the Aussie rail industry to thrive and survive, we MUST start placing the same value on white-collar roles (especially traineeships and apprenticeships) as we do on their blue-collar counterparts. Here’s why…

The importance of safety, management and administration in the rail industry

As with many industries where manual labour is seen as the ‘primary’ type of role, the Australian rail industry tends to place lesser importance on the ‘paperwork’ side of things, especially surrounding safety, management and other administrative aspects.

Regardless of the reasons for this, the fact remains that safety, coordination, management and other facets that fall within the white-collar department are all just as important as physically getting the job done. In fact, without these roles running parallel to blue-collar work, the job simply wouldn’t get done in the most efficient, effective and, most importantly, safest manner.

Working together to create more opportunities for white-collar traineeships to enter the industry

In order for us to adjust the current attitudes towards white-collar traineeships within the Aussie rail industry, it is important that we, as companies, employees, trainees, and the industry as a whole, work together to break the stigma and appreciate the hard work of our white-collar rail professionals.

We must support the transition of experienced and knowledgeable blue-collar staff into white-collar roles where they can ensure their skills are passed on for generations to come.

We must provide opportunities for young Australians to gain quality training and education and enter the industry as eager, skilled white-collar professionals in their chosen field.

We must allow rail employees of all backgrounds and experience levels the opportunity to broaden their skillsets, learn new things and gain qualifications that will help keep them safe on the job, open their mindsets and set them up with a range of career development options for years to come.

Now is the time to act as an industry!

If your company could use a training partner to help facilitate these kinds of opportunities for your current and future employees, reach out to the team here at Alium Works today.

ARA awards night & how small business forms part of the bigger picture.



Alium Works is delighted to announce that we were a finalist in this year’s Australasian Rail Industry (ARA) Awards in the Supplier Excellence Award category! A huge achievement and a big step forward for us in the Australian Rail Industry.

Thank you to the judges, our peers, all the finalists and industry associations for paving the way for small organizations to grow and thrive.

We didn’t take home the silver, instead we walked away with our heads held high after being recognized by our peers and though we didn’t have our moment in the spotlight we thought we’d share a few words of appreciation & insight below.


ARA finalist appreciation speech

Small businesses thrive under the right conditions for success and growth. As a small business, you are always on the hunt for opportunities for improved efficiency, innovation, and increased sales or revenue.

Growth in small business does not just come from awards though – it is the value that you are bringing to your company and your clientele. Looking at your industry from a broader perspective, or even insights into similar industries can propel your business onto a successful trajectory.

As a business, seeing the bigger picture allows for goals to be set, to provide insight on how decisions could affect the business, and employees are able to envision the values their company strives to achieve.

Without small business, Australia’s economy would suffer greatly because at the end of the day we are all essentially part of one big ecosystem. According to the RBA, small business accounts for almost half of the employment in the private, non-financial sector1. Financially, the RBA also reports that 95% of the 2 million active, trading businesses in Australia were classed as a small business in 20111.

Unfortunately in recent years, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, times have been especially tough for small businesses, with many suffering the hardship that came with the lockdowns and limitations of trading, many had to shut their doors.

To truly review the impact, we must consider that Small businesses has contributed approximately $418 billion to GDP (Gross Domestic Product) in 2018-20192. So it’s evident that small businesses are providing employment and supplying products and services to clientele, boosting Australia’s economy.

Alium Works is thrilled to be recognized for both awards and nominations with the ARA, and we look forward to continuing to provide exceptional service to our clients, whilst doing our bit in the Australian economy on our pathway of growth.

#ARA #Railawards #Aliumworks #Finalist #apprecaitionpost #Smallbusiness #aliumworksjourney #businessecosystem #tier1 #RTO

Are you looking for a career in the Australian Rail Industry? Reach out to Alium Works today for more information, we can guide you on the right pathway.

Reference Links:



How to Become a Mentor and Leave Your Legacy in The Rail and Construction Industries

For many rail and construction industry professionals, their work is more than just a job, it’s a passion that has been part of their lives for decades. For these professionals, there will come a time to make important decisions about their future within the industry. Whether facing injury, retirement or simply seeking a career change that still keeps them close to the work they love, these professionals should be given the chance to continue working at their own capacity and leave their legacy.

That’s exactly what we offer here at Alium Works through mentorship and training programs. If you are one of the industry professionals we’ve mentioned above, keep reading to learn more!

What Value Does Expert Mentorship Hold for The Rail and Construction Industries?

Mentorship and training hold immense value, not only for new entrants to the industry, but for experts as well. For instance, people entering the industry can benefit from insights, tips and wisdom shared by experienced mentors, helping them to become more confident in their skills and preparing them for their career ahead.

For industry experts, sharing knowledge is the best way to ensure a strong and valuable legacy is left behind after retirement. They can rest assured that their years of hard work are not going to waste.

What Kind of Knowledge is Worth Passing on to People Entering the Industry?

Insights surrounding safety, where and how to find industry-related resources and general tips for entering the industry and ‘climbing the ladder’ to build a successful career are just a few of the highly valuable pieces of knowledge that are worth sharing.

As an industry expert, what kind of knowledge could you offer to share that would help the industry as a whole?

How Can I Share My Knowledge as a Rail or Construction Industry Expert?

You can join the Legacy LinkedIn Group which works as a central hub and supportive community for mentors and trainers. There you will find a space where best practices and opportunities for work can be shared and discussed, along with plenty of networking prospects.

If you’re interested in becoming an Alium Works mentor, simply chat with the team at Alium Works to put your name forward. Our students’ studies will eventually help them enter the industry, so we love to be able to offer the wisdom and guidance of experienced experts who are happy to help them excel.