David Baker is a Civil Engineer with 35 years experience in the Construction industry in Australia, the United Kingdom and Hong Kong.
He has worked across a wide range of market segments including Civil, Building, Materials Handling, Oil and Rail in a diverse range of roles from Project Development, Business Development, Tendering, Planning, Design, Procurement, Construction, Commissioning, Operation, Maintenance, Demolition and Corporate Management Roles. He has a Bachelor Engineering (Civil) and a Masters Degree in Engineering Management.
David is currently employed as an Engineering Leader with Laing O’Rourke Australia Construction. Recent projects include Central Station Main Works – Design Integration of 15 disciplines and interface with 150 stakeholders, Technical Director / AEO Representative of the Novo Rail Alliance, and Engineering Manager of the Wynyard Station Upgrade Project. David was first involved in Safety in Design over 20 years ago as the Design Manager on the Channel Tunnel Rail Link Project C434. More recently, Safety in Design has been a key driver in the integration of design working in the rail sector on Transport for NSW and Sydney Metro projects in an Authorised Engineering Organisation (AEO) environment for projects with a combined value of $1.3BN