Alium Works is delighted to announce that we were a finalist in this year’s Australasian Rail Industry (ARA) Awards in the Supplier Excellence Award category! A huge achievement and a big step forward for us in the Australian Rail Industry.

Thank you to the judges, our peers, all the finalists and industry associations for paving the way for small organizations to grow and thrive.

We didn’t take home the silver, instead we walked away with our heads held high after being recognized by our peers and though we didn’t have our moment in the spotlight we thought we’d share a few words of appreciation & insight below.


ARA finalist appreciation speech

Small businesses thrive under the right conditions for success and growth. As a small business, you are always on the hunt for opportunities for improved efficiency, innovation, and increased sales or revenue.

Growth in small business does not just come from awards though – it is the value that you are bringing to your company and your clientele. Looking at your industry from a broader perspective, or even insights into similar industries can propel your business onto a successful trajectory.

As a business, seeing the bigger picture allows for goals to be set, to provide insight on how decisions could affect the business, and employees are able to envision the values their company strives to achieve.

Without small business, Australia’s economy would suffer greatly because at the end of the day we are all essentially part of one big ecosystem. According to the RBA, small business accounts for almost half of the employment in the private, non-financial sector1. Financially, the RBA also reports that 95% of the 2 million active, trading businesses in Australia were classed as a small business in 20111.

Unfortunately in recent years, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, times have been especially tough for small businesses, with many suffering the hardship that came with the lockdowns and limitations of trading, many had to shut their doors.

To truly review the impact, we must consider that Small businesses has contributed approximately $418 billion to GDP (Gross Domestic Product) in 2018-20192. So it’s evident that small businesses are providing employment and supplying products and services to clientele, boosting Australia’s economy.

Alium Works is thrilled to be recognized for both awards and nominations with the ARA, and we look forward to continuing to provide exceptional service to our clients, whilst doing our bit in the Australian economy on our pathway of growth.

#ARA #Railawards #Aliumworks #Finalist #apprecaitionpost #Smallbusiness #aliumworksjourney #businessecosystem #tier1 #RTO

Are you looking for a career in the Australian Rail Industry? Reach out to Alium Works today for more information, we can guide you on the right pathway.

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